Pelėsio ir medžio grybo "Trobagrybio" profesionalios naikinimo, šalinimo ir priežaščių tvarkimo paslaugos

Efektyvūs sprendimai pelėsio ir grybo šalinimui.

Ilgametė patirtis pelėsio naikinimo srityje.

Naudojame pažangius metodus ir priemones.

Paslaugos, užtikrinančios ilgalaikį rezultatą.

Green and white mold growth is visible on a fuzzy gray surface. The mold appears in clumps, surrounded by a network of fine threads and water droplets. The surface texture is uneven and covered with tiny black dots, suggesting organic decay.
Green and white mold growth is visible on a fuzzy gray surface. The mold appears in clumps, surrounded by a network of fine threads and water droplets. The surface texture is uneven and covered with tiny black dots, suggesting organic decay.
A close-up of mold growth with a fuzzy texture, exhibiting different shades of gray ranging from dark to light. Some beige or brownish patches are also visible, along with sporadic white areas.
A close-up of mold growth with a fuzzy texture, exhibiting different shades of gray ranging from dark to light. Some beige or brownish patches are also visible, along with sporadic white areas.
A close-up view of mold growth featuring a variety of textures and colors, with patches of green and black spores intertwined within fuzzy, fibrous structures. The surface appears moist and densely populated with mold colonies.
A close-up view of mold growth featuring a variety of textures and colors, with patches of green and black spores intertwined within fuzzy, fibrous structures. The surface appears moist and densely populated with mold colonies.

Apie mus - pelėsio naikinimo ekspertai

Teikiame profesionalias pelėsio ir medžio grybo naikinimo paslaugas jau daugiau nei 17 metų. Mūsų metodai yra efektyvūs ir patikimi, užtikrinantys ilgalaikį rezultatą.

A close-up view of a white, textured mushroom or fungus growing on a dark, organic surface. The surface appears slightly moist with hints of greenish hues and bits of debris.
A close-up view of a white, textured mushroom or fungus growing on a dark, organic surface. The surface appears slightly moist with hints of greenish hues and bits of debris.



17 metų patirtis

Patikimi specialistai

Pelėsio naikinimo paslaugos

Efektyvūs pelėsio ir grybo naikinimo sprendimai, teikiami daugiau nei 17 metų.

Profesionalus pelėsio valymas
A large, irregularly shaped white mushroom sits on the ground surrounded by grass and small plants. The mushroom's surface is slightly dirty, and the environment suggests it is in a natural or forested area.
A large, irregularly shaped white mushroom sits on the ground surrounded by grass and small plants. The mushroom's surface is slightly dirty, and the environment suggests it is in a natural or forested area.

Naudojame pažangius metodus, užtikrinančius ilgalaikį efektą ir švarą.

A white mushroom partially covered by a layer of pine needles and forest debris. Surrounding the mushroom are green moss and brown fallen leaves, creating a natural earthy setting.
A white mushroom partially covered by a layer of pine needles and forest debris. Surrounding the mushroom are green moss and brown fallen leaves, creating a natural earthy setting.
A close-up of mold growth with a circular pattern in shades of grey and blue, featuring a central area with a distinct peach and white outline. Small droplets of moisture are scattered across the fuzzy surface, giving it a textured appearance.
A close-up of mold growth with a circular pattern in shades of grey and blue, featuring a central area with a distinct peach and white outline. Small droplets of moisture are scattered across the fuzzy surface, giving it a textured appearance.
Medžio grybo šalinimas

Specializuojamės medžio grybo „trobagrybio“ naikinime, užtikrindami efektyvų ir saugų procesą.

Patikimi sprendimai pelėsiui

Mūsų metodai užtikrina ilgalaikį poveikį ir efektyvumą.

Klientų atsiliepimai

Patikimi ir efektyvūs pelėsio naikinimo sprendimai mūsų klientams.

Paslaugos buvo puikios! Pelėsio problema buvo išspręsta greitai ir efektyviai.

Andrius J.
A close-up view of a moldy surface, featuring various shades of blue, green, and white with a fuzzy texture. The mold creates an uneven pattern, and there is an area with a glossy, yellowish substance.
A close-up view of a moldy surface, featuring various shades of blue, green, and white with a fuzzy texture. The mold creates an uneven pattern, and there is an area with a glossy, yellowish substance.


Džiaugiamės, kad pasirinkome šią įmonę. Pelėsio naikinimas buvo atliktas profesionaliai ir greitai, rezultatai pranoko lūkesčius. Rekomenduojame visiems, turintiems panašių problemų.

A large mushroom is being gently lifted from the soil by a hand in an outdoor garden setting. The ground is covered with leaves and organic debris, and other plants can be seen in the blurred background.
A large mushroom is being gently lifted from the soil by a hand in an outdoor garden setting. The ground is covered with leaves and organic debris, and other plants can be seen in the blurred background.
Raimonda K.

